GNC and Flight Control Systems

Axalp Technologies develops full GNC (guidance, navigation, control) software for UAVs and other aircraft. Our competences include system design and hardware/software implementation, as well as ground station design.

Flight Path Definition


Our GNC team can customize solutions in areas including:

  • Path Planning

  • Obstacle Avoidance

  • Online Trajectory Generation

  • Auto landing 

  • Terminal area energy management

  • Minimum time optimal trajectories

  • Waypoint & Loiter guidance

Determining Location, Attitude and Velocity


Our experience in Navigation topics covers a broad spectrum, including:

Sensor Fusion

  • Inertial sensors

  • Magnetic sensors

  • GNSS

  • Air data sensors

  • Radar, Lidar


  • Extended Kalman Filtering (UD Filtering)

  • Adaptive Kalman Filtering

  • Unscented Kalman Filtering

Feedback Loop and Vehicle Manipulation


Our GNC team has experts with 20 years of experience in putting control algorithms into real-world use, including:

Linear Control

  • Classical: PID and loop shaping

  • Optimal Control: LQR, LQG, LMI

  • Robust Control: H-infinity, u-syn, LMI

Non-Linear Control

  • Back stepping

  • Dynamic inversion

Adaptive Control

  • Model Reference Adaptive

  • Neural networks

Linear Parameter Varying

  • Model Predictive Control

  • System Identification


Software Solutions

Getting GNC ideas into practice requires the software expertise to do so. Our team can supply:

Flight & Ground Control SW

Complete Software Lifecycle

Requirements Management:

  • Traceability to and from code

  • Requirements based testing

Coverage Analysis:

  • Statement, Decision, Condition, MCDC